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Early bird 10% discount before April 1

Choose from one of our week-long (Monday -Friday, 9:00 - 12:30), creative Summer Art Camps that is a unique balance of art & craft projects, outdoor exploration and games to explore the topic of the week. Each camp gives young people a chance to explore a wide range of media including collage, painting, drawing, sculpture, and more. Campers are introduced to a whole world of art, art history, appreciation and ART making in a fun studio setting. Registration closes one weeks prior to start of each camp


Artful Adventures - $175

Campers will enjoy 2D and 3D art activities with a focus on process-based art experiences. . . and

 often messy (ages 5-12)

June 23 - 27

Creating with Clay - $215

Spend a week sculpting functional, fantasy and fun art pieces in clay. Explore foundational handbuilding techniques to working in clay and have the opportunity to throw on the wheel. (ages 6-14)

July 21 - 25

Enchanted Forest - $175

Explore and investigate the natural world to awaken the creative overlay in art and nature.(ages 5-12)

July 14 - 18

Recycle, Recreate, Reuse Art - $175

Explore how you can take forgotten, discarded or used items and turn them into art.(ages 5-12)

July 7 - 11

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Biology Drawing Class

Sample Camp Day (9am - 12:30pm)

9:00-9:15 - Welcome and Free Draw/Drawing Prompt

9:15-9:45 - Intro topic (activity/craft/game)

9:45-10:45 - Time to Create (project)

10:45 - 11:15 - Outdoor exploration (hike/activity/game)

11:15-11:25 - Snack

11:25-12:20 - Time to create (project)

12:20 - 12:30 - Clean-up


Hello, I'm your camp leader, Miss. Heather. I live and continue to work the family herbal farm and art studio where I grew up. We have cats, dogs, chickens, parrots, a goat, lizard and variety of fish. I am a Certified Art Teacher with over 30 years of working with pre-k to adult students with HCPS, HCC, Chesapeake Bay Estuary Reserve, HCPR, and Conversation Art Studio

  • Campers practice drawing techniques, participate in fine art and craft projects while exploring a variety of media each week.(drawing, charcoal, ink, oil pastel, soft pastel, acrylic, watercolor, collage, clay, paper mache).

  • All camp fees must be paid in advance. If you cancel before June 1, a refund less a $50 processing fee is offered. After June 1, there are no refunds.

  • Summer Camp Discounts: 10% Early Bird Discount until April 1. / 10% multiply camp registration. / 10% sibling discount to single camp. / Discounts can not be combined)

  • Daily items to bring: water bottle, snack, closed toe shoes, dress for a mess (smocks are provided). Camper may bring electronic device, but Conversation Art Studio is not responsible or liable for lost, or broken devices.

  • Please express if there are any special considerations that you feel need to be shares in regards to your child. (medication, allergies, behavioral, physical limitations, etc.)

  • Campers are expected to follow directions handling materials, showing respect to adult and other campers to maintain a safe and enjoyable time for all.

  • Be punctual for DROP OFF (9am) and PICK-UP (12:30pm). Studio is located on single lane, therefor all cars will line up to drop off and pick-up, before exiting driveway to avoid congestion on lane. Please send a message ASAP, if you will be late during drop or or pick-up.

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